Friday, December 30, 2005

Welcome back from the holiday disarray!

So Christmas is but a memory left behind like all those crumbs in the bottom of my cookie jar. It was great fun, but like every other holiday before it, Christmas 2005 has passed. Now I'm ready to move on to other great things like New Year's Day dinner!!

fruitcake%20copy But for now let's focus on the whoa's of Christmas like that fruitcake Aunt Bertha so lovingly "blessed" you with once again this year. Tired of using it for a paperweight? Well I have a better idea this year!! Lug the fruitcake on down to your nearest
Cold Stone Creamery
to "Pledge Your Fruitcake Freedom". Turn in a fruitcake at Cold Stone and they will give you a $5 gift certificate for an ice cream cake. If you like ice cream, but hate fruitcake sounds like a good idea to me!

kitchenaide And how many of you killed your kitchen aide or broke your blender with all the holiday baking and cooking? The kitchen gods saved me from that awful fate this year, but if you weren't so lucky I might have a less expensive solution to replacing the ENTIRE appliance.
Culinary Parts Unlimited
has an extensive website of different types of cooking appliances and tools, they even have electric toothbrushes and shavers. Culinary Parts Unlimited also sells the parts and pieces for broken countertop appliances including food processor lids, coffee carafes, and the part to that broken blender I mentioned.

Comments on "Welcome back from the holiday disarray!"


Blogger Randi said ... (4:33 PM) : 

i have a really old cuisinart and i replaced the blade and the top from culinary parts.


Blogger wheresmymind said ... (9:45 AM) : 

I like the "Cake Batter" ice cream at Cold Stone


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