Sunday, October 02, 2005

Celebration for a soldier

Welp, party #2 is over & done, my nephew has offically finished celebrating his 6th birthday. Thought I would finally post a photo or 2 of the cake. The photos pretty much say it all, I decided to give him something different, I think his mom & I both had enough of Spiderman with the first party. And I know he loves toy guns & military stuff, so I created a "camoflauge cake". I tried a new recipe yellow cake & I'm pretty happy it had a nice flavor & it was we just might have a winner this time..yaaay!! Chocolate buttercream icing, I used a cupcake to make the "hill", the "logs" are made of pretzel rods covered in buttercream, and the road is made of oreo cookie crumbs, and I just freehanded the camoflauge splotches on the sides of the cake.

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